
Tuesday 19 June 2012

First Interview & Busy Week

So the question arises before every interview, what do you wear? Whenever I have an interview/presentation etc I usually wear shirt, tie, trousers but this is one of my first 'real world' interviews with a design studio coming up and I hear different things from everyone. Suit, smart casual, blazer, jeans, whatever... what am I supposed to think with all of the different opinions. Another weird thing is how much you read into what you think they are going to think about you. I will most likely be as calm as ever thinking I will be fine, step into the company and turn to a complete mess, the alter ego comes out that basically makes you act completely different, I hate nerves!

I also have a pretty packed week really. Finish at least 1 advert today, go to town and buy a new shirt for the degree show on Thursday, tomorrow morning drive to Chester and get my advert printed and finish my display before going to Manchester with Nic, Lorna and Laura for the degree show there, Thursday is the day of our show Untitled, Friday is interview day *bricking it*, Saturday I need to drive to the Yorkshire Dales might be camping over and next Wednesday is London. BUSY!

I also seem to mention I am always busy on here. I suppose I shouldn't complain really, better than being bored.

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